funny, but Richard Vandersteen said the same thing. He is an engineer and he sees what sounds best and then tweeks it. I so wish I had a better grasp on what you are talking about. You should offer a course. This is one reason I love working with John at Audio Connection (as so so many of you guys). He gets it and does the same thing as you. Some of your statements on the Sky vs Niagara or Wild are word for word what he was saying as we critically listened two weeks ago. Top end gear and you could hear the differences in cabling big time. A few times he told me to save my money and get what's in my range as it sounded better in the areas I care more about than the more expensive speaker, cable, amp, DAC etc...
It's all about the system approach. Wish you were in the states as it would be fun to sit down and talk audio for hours.
It's all about the system approach. Wish you were in the states as it would be fun to sit down and talk audio for hours.