Here's an interesting happening. I have my 30GB iPod at work loaded with the down converted 128 AAC format and last night I loaded my old 8 GB iPod with the Apple Lossless that is actually on my computer. I brought both iPods to work today and handed them to a coworker that's in to music (about the only guy I know that's into vinyl) and asked him what he thought. Ironically, he strongly preferred the sound of the iPod with 128 AAC and described the sound a being more full. I had to laugh. I can't say that I can really tell a difference.
Are all iPods created equal? I believe they are of similar vintage, but one is a standard one and the other is a nano (I believe). The standard iPod was the preferred sound.
I put the iPod with Apple Lossless on my Onkyo dock last night and it was the first time that an iPod was an acceptable source for at least background listening. It wasn't nearly as good as the CD or SACD players, but but improved over the MP3s on my wife's iPod.
Are all iPods created equal? I believe they are of similar vintage, but one is a standard one and the other is a nano (I believe). The standard iPod was the preferred sound.
I put the iPod with Apple Lossless on my Onkyo dock last night and it was the first time that an iPod was an acceptable source for at least background listening. It wasn't nearly as good as the CD or SACD players, but but improved over the MP3s on my wife's iPod.