Lovers of Kempe's Strauss take note

I just received a 9 CD box of The Kempe Staatskapelle recordings from the 1970's. Newly remastered from original source tapes, offered by Warner Classics. About $35 from Presto Classical.

I have long been convinced that Kempe is head and shoulders above everyone else with respect to the music of Richard Strauss. I am still making my way through these, but the quality of these remasters is just outstanding based on what I have heard so far. I have not heard the recent (and very expensive) Japanese remasters, but at $4/cd, I think these new remasters will do just fine.

If you are a fan of Kempe's Strauss, these are must have recordings.
It pains me to say it but IMHO Karajan was even better,I heard
them both live in Berlin.
Loren Mazall was no slouch either.
I do like HvK's Strauss, but Kempe is still my favorite. I liked Mazell generally speaking when he was with Cleveland, but I can't recall anything in particular regarding his Strauss. I am envious of your opportunity to hear those 2 great conductors in Berlin. Those must be highly tresured memories for you!
I lived there all though the 70's and most of the 80's . 3 blocks from the 900 hundred seat hall in the Rundfunk complex, a lovely sounding hall from the 30's
where Kempe reigned over the Berlin Radio band. Mazell was principal after 85 I belive, but always lots of guest conductors. Heard at least 500 concerts there. Tried to get tickets to Berlin Phil when K had Strauss or Sibelius on the bill.
Only a little over an hour to Dresden or Leipzig on train,
so wife and me hit there twice a month for the Statts Capella or Gewandhaus. Best concert I ever heard was Masur in Schumann 3rd,
when Masur was on he was magic in live performance, esp. in Schumann and Mendelssohn.

Mazell has a Cleveland recording I like on CBS Nasterworks of Heldenleben , tempos are different, recording is clear.

I'll post my thoughts on the Totem's Moday on my Vandy or Maddie post. Can say already its near perfect for listening to the "Live at the Met". WI public radio puts out a CD quality signal with no compression. Even on the loudest arias there was zero compression and no hardening whatsoever. Perfect recreation of stage in both width and depth, perfect spatial relationships of one singer to another, where the pit was, where the chorus was etc.
Totally natural sound of all voices and instruments with no trace of "hi-fi" itis.