03-08-11: Aplhifi
HDD jitter? No such thing, IMO! And lets not forget that the SSD also has a SDRAM buffer, just like HDD.
It does not matter where your audio file is stored; it is always double buffered (at minimum); first in the storage device own memory buffer, and again to the main system memory. So I do not see a reason for SSD to sound better than HDD.
Alex, no one has mentioned "HDD jitter" in this thread, which I agree is a nonsensical expression. A question was asked as to how changing from an HDD to an SSD could affect sonics. I responded that jitter and noise on output signals of the computer, that will be connected directly into a dac in many setups, could conceivably be influenced by crosstalk, ground-bounce, voltage droop and voltage fluctuations at various circuit points, rfi, and other similar effects that in ANY digital design that involves a large number of signals that have fast edges can result in subtle interactions between circuits that are ostensibly unrelated. Particularly when the destination to which some of those signals are sent (the dac) may be especially sensitive to small amounts of noise and jitter.
I take no position as to the likelihood that using an SSD instead of an HHD will make a sonic difference in any given computer, or as to whether the difference, if any, would be for the better, or if any such effects would be consistent across different computers, because I have no experience upon which to base such a position. What I have said is simply that it is technically conceivable that there could be a difference, in at least some setups with some computers and some dac's. I don't think that is disputable.
Best regards,
-- Al