HRT music streamer & Airport Extreme

Greetings, has anybody used the Airport Extreme USB output into a HRT music streamer for wireless music fed by a MacBook and iTunes? If so how was the function and sound quality vs. a direct feed from the MacBook USB?
Thanks in advance,
Bennett (aka:hififile)
The AE also has a gigantic JITTER problem with the digital output.
I'm not a fan, but I suspect a 'reclocking' device would help.

If I had it to do over again, I'd buy the Apple TV.....

Don't forget the 'mini toslink' adaptor. Don't worry about 'audiophile' here, since it is HOLLOW. And worth a buck. tops.
Post removed 
The USB port on the Airport Extreme and Airport Express doesn't carry a digital audio signal. From Apple's website:
USB 2.0 port for connecting a USB printer or USB external hard drive
If you search the web, you'll find others with the same question.
I was referring to the Airport EXPRESS which has the huge jitter problem.
Stereophile measured it during testing.
Sorry for any confusion.
Magfan, I'm sure you're right about the measured jitter from the Airport Express but with a good DAC the AE is sonically excellent and in situations where it provides convenience and accessibility to music it works really well.