EMM-Labs XDS1 vs Esoteric K-01


I’m a longtime Wadia owner (now S7i), but want to upgrade to a better SACD machine. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Esoteric dealer with a demo K-01 in my area.

So which machine to choose?
I agree with audiooracle.

The K-03 is an incredible achievement. I'm a dyed in the wool vinylphile but have spent a disproportionate amount of time listening to silver discs over the past 2 months.

Dealer disclaimer.
i've owned the Playback Designs MPS-5 CD/SACD/server dac digital player for almost 4 years. it has an Esoteric disc drive, and has multiple digital inputs so works great as a music server DAC.

if you are considering those players i recommend also checking out the MPS-5.

i'm really into analog and have 3 high end tt's as well as a couple of RTR Master recorders. the best thing i can say about the Playback Designs MPS-5 is that it's the first digital that can hold it's own in my system against the analog. click on my system page for details.

also; the dac in the MPS-5 is programmable, so it's as future proof as any digital i've seen.

the EMM Labs and Esoteric make high quality products too, so good luck on your search.

btw, i'm not a dealer. :)
I have owned the Esoteric K-01 for about 3 months. I completely agree with your assessment of this amazing CD/SACD player. I upgraded from the Esoteric X01D2 (and previously owned a couple of Krell players). The K-01 is, by far, the best player I have ever heard.
Mike: Do you have any ability to demo the K-01 against your MPS-5? I'd be interested in hearing more from you given all the time you've spent with EMM Labs equipment, the MPS-5.

BTW...Winston Ma's UCD version of the Steinway Take 2 disc that was recorded in your room sounds amazing!