Damn Apple..a fence sitter's dilemma

Almost ready to make the'move'...Buy the Mac mini, go with a firewire dac (seems to make more sense to my computer illiterate brain), decided on a simplified Raid backup, still worrying over format to rip cd's....And now Apple introduces a new connectivity mode : Thunderbolt. A zillion times faster than USB 2 and Firewire 800, single connectivity with audio, video, data, etc., and a whole lot of other things I don't understand.
Sure, it's only in the MBP's introduced this week, not the Mini; but trickle down is their modus operondi. Sure, I should get off the fence and make a move 'cause there will always be the next great thing coming down the pipe, but I sure hate to spend my pennies and be obsolete in 16 months. Whaddya' think?
YMMV = your mileage may vary
ROFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
IIRC =if i recall correctly
LOL= laugh out loud
Nice system.

Here are my recommendations:

Under $1000 for a Dac, buy the Marantz NA7004 or the Wavelength Proton

Over $1000 the Ayre QB9

You can pick up a used Mac Mini on Craigslist for about $200-$300.
Mmike84, can you elaborate on the diff SSD vs. hDD in the Mac Mini?
Still you need to load up the music you want to play on the SSD from somewhere since it cant hold all you music?
I cannot really comment on that accurately anymore but the conclusions are sound. In testing it was also decided that it is best to keep music on an auxiliary drive, preferably a firewire drive.