Need advice on CD-Player

Looking for a CD-Player for my set up which is Klipsch P-37F, Running on Rotel RSP-1570 and Anthem MCA-50. Looking for a good balanced CD-player best one for the money, price range 1,500-2,000 i haven't decided if i want a tube or a solid state. was looking at ayon CD-2 but kind of out of my price range. So some advice would be appreciated. I'm still kind of new to this whole HI-FI, be gentle...
There is a Simaudio Moon series Equinox SE for 975.00 including shipping on here. I just got one back in december. No way you can beat the sound quality for that price. My system is all tubes, except the CD player. The Equinox sounds much better than the Linn CD player with the Numerik DAC (combo) that I sold. I haven't worked in 4 years, otherwise I'd buy it just for a back up. At least check it out. Happy listening.
There are so many possibilities. I can tell you that I have one of the Ayon Cd players and it is very good. It is the third Ayon I have owned and they have very natural sound, give you the detail, and even though they have tubes, they do not have the tubey sound. They will reflect what your equipment gives them. To be in your price range, you would probably need to get an older model used. Another company I like is Arcam. I like the sound that their DVD and CD players give. Very smooth and non fatiguing, no tubes. They would be more in your price range. NAD is another company that you could explore, they make some really nice equipment. Good luck and I am sure others will suggest many other companies. Take care and remember in the end , it should be about the music, not going crazy about this stuff. Stephen
Sony 595, as refurb from SonyStyle for $60. What have you got to lose, maybe being shocked that you don't need to pay more.