NuForce DAC-9

It seems to be now shipping and its quite an interesting unit. There has been some info floating that it uses two ESS9018 Sabre DAC's in mono output, giving it eight DAC chips per channel. Discrete output stage an upgradable USB input as they are claiming to release a 24/192 USB later on.

Has anyone seen or heard this product yet? I'm inclined to give it the thirty day try.
i would to hear a comparison between this and a W4S DAC2. Similar price range and chips.
The Nuforce DAC-9 does NOT contain ESS9018 chips. I have just taken one apart and found it contacts a pair of PCM1798 DAC chips. It also has a bunch of op-amps (nothing special). I took some pics of the insides, but agreed with the DAC's owner, a reseller, not to post them online.

I compared the DAC to my own Buffalo III ESS9018 DAC and this made the Nuforce DAC seem decidedly second rate.
I friend brought over his Nuforce Dac-9 to my house for a listen and I was very impressed with it. For my source I'm using a Modwright tube Oppo 83 into a Placette Active preamp, w/Pass labs XA30.5 amp.

I thought the music sounded cleaner with higher resolution with the dac-9. It took my system to a whole new level of enjoyment. Very holographic images and not a hint of sounding clinical or harsh. I want one :)