Best CD player under $25000.

Actually I was noticing how many $25000. or better CD players are available .
AudioAero La Sourse At $44000. 47 Labs 4704 $25000
Naim 555PS $30800. Chord Red Reference $26000
Constellation Audio Sirius $50000. Esoteric P-01 $25000.
Boulder 1021 $25000 or with DAC $70000.
EMM Labs XDS1 $25000. Burmester 089 $29000 or 69 $60000.
TAD $25000. Goldman $135000.
MBL 1621A transport $27500 or with DAC $53900.
DCS Scarlatti $28000. or complete stack $80000.
Metronome Kalista $65000.
Zanden 2000P transport $28000 or with DAC $44000.
And all these are offered at recessionary prices
Ayon CD5s is the best I have heard way under 25K. Second choice would be the Meridian 808.3
Recenly put together a small system in my sitting room with an NAD C565BEE using a Yaoin Tube buffer wt a JAN Phillips LN 6922 tube that blows away any of the $15K front ends I've had. It's just more musically correct and involving.
Iv'e seen a few people using tube buffers with CD sources with good results . Is there any loss of detail this way ?
Iv'e been using an Ayre CD5MP as a transport , into a Levivson #360S DAC , I think it gives me a similar effect . The right about of musicality , more swing , a natural flow .