Sony SCD XA5400ES tube rolling?

Just got my player back from Modwright,fully modded with the ultimate upgrade. Wow! incredible difference over the stock player even cold out of the box.

Now the question, anyone have experiences with tube rolling with this player? The stock Russian Tung Sol 6SN7s are supposedly fine, but I decided to order some KEN RAD WWII military (VT231)tubes and see if there is a big difference in sound. In the mean time, awaiting their arrival... comments are welcome.
Well the Sophia's arrived yesterday and I popped them in and noticed an increase in resolution, a wider soundstage and more 3D. If you are looking for tubes to add warmth coloration- look else where. These tubes are very neutral and linear. I also notice a subtle tilt toward the treble and other reviews say this will resolve itself as it breaks in (up to 300 hrs). Even with that, I like the Sophia Electric sound better than my nos Sylvania's in my Modwright Oppo 83.

I'm glad I tried these. Thanks for the recommendation!
hi tubegrover:

andy doesn't seem to have mullard or brimar 6sn7. do you knwo who does ??
Anyone tried Shuguang BT CV181-Z? It's marvelous in my MW Transporter. How does it compare to the Sophia?
Hi Mr. Tennis. I would do a google search. E-Bay would probably be a good place to look. These tubes are not readily available in any case and I expect you will pay a premium.

Rfogel8, I too have purchased from e-bay dealers with good success, their feedback rating is important when dealing with them. It is always wise to purchase from dealers that show published test results and better yet, offer a guarantee and avoid like the plague tubes being sold "as is" at premium prices. My comments are based on experiences I personally have had with so called repudable dealers. Tubes I didn't test based on recommendations and that were spent, beyond their usable life yet sold as "NOS" because they were a premium, desired tube. One dealer I had two such experiences with. One time I'll give the benefit of the doubt two times it is no longer a coincidence. My point is really directed towards new guys, be careful and deal with reputable dealers with test results. If you really get into purchasing a lot of tubes invest in a tester. For what you can spend for tubes it is a modest investment. I use Andy as the best example of someone who's reputation is unimpeachable and will educate and be fair in pricing. Another good reason to own a tester is to test periodically to make sure your system is operating optimally. Some circuits use tubes faster as they are biased at higher currents, particularily power amps.