Is it possible to transform the EMM CDSA SE?

2-box and 1-box versions of EMM's CD players -- not the X upgrade or the XDS1 -- have been variously described as "flat" and "2-dimensional" in forum postings. Is it possible to defy these characterizations and elevate the EMM to the world of amazing 3D sound? Let's share our knowledge and experience -- to make EMM a better sonic world.
Sabai, are you suggesting that you found a different way of making a CDSA like the XDS1, different than the approach EMM Labs took? If you have managed to do that, I would say that is quite can accomplishment.

What are the various tweaks you have discovered and what problem do you believe they are address?
Pubul57, I have never heard the XDS1 so I cannot make a direct comparison. What I can do is describe my experience with the EMM CDSA SE. It had relatively flat sound out of the box but it now has an incredibly detailed 3D sound stage -- beyond the width of the speakers and with a lot of layered depth and very fine resolution of both instruments and vocals for all types of music. Tone is beautiful and all harshness is gone from the upper frequencies. I have a lot of accessories and tweaks in my system, with more to come. If you'd care to PM me I will be glad to go into greater detail. For some reason, my postings on the thread are limited to 750 characters.

I highly recommend you NOT to listen to the XDS1 if you want to keep your CDSA-SE because it will make the CDSA-SE sound only 2D, flat and lifeless in comparison even though the CDSA-SE is a great player IMO. The XDS1 is a totally different animal remaining in their signature sound but clearly night and day better in all areas. I sold mine straight away and moved on.
Unfortuantely, listening to live music always makes me feel that way regardless of what gear I've owned or heard, knowing that I decided the CDSA was as good as I needed - you got to get off the merry-go-round some time.
Flashunlock, My CDSA SE sounded flat before I did all the tweaking. Now it is 3D holographic and full of life -- like you could shake the performers' hands and thank them right in the room. I am more than amazed. Do you mean you sold your XDS1 or your CDSA SE? I think it must be the latter.

Pubul57, I agree about the merry-go-round. I have been on it for years now. Time to get off once I add the last 3 major tweak/upgrades -- the SR Galileo universal speaker cells, the SR acoustic ART and the Nordost Quantum Qx4.