another thread on DACS/players...thoughts please

Looking to upgrade my digital front PS Audio Perfect wave d/ sounds pretty good on the transport mode using I2S; but the DAC alone on my Qsonix server falls a bit short.
Units I'd like to consider:
Ayon CD-5S; tubed dac integrated preamp and transport
Accoustic Arts DAC mark IV
Weiss DAC 202; but none of my connections are Firewire; which is how many feels it sounds best
dCs Puccinni
Playback Design
Berkeley alpha
I'd like to try to eliminate my preamp; if the dac can run directly into amp with volume control. Only sources are transport; Qsonix digital music server; and Directv and Oppo 95 for combined home analog...amps are Bryston 28sst' this list is a mix of tubed dacs and ss...
Looking for something close to SOTA while keeping budget more upper real world of around $10-12k...presently using Purist audio aes digital cable
Thanks for chiming in; and enjoy the holiday weekend..

I'd like to hear from folks who have gone through this exercise before me; to learn from their evaluation process. I do have the Ayon piece being shipped for their two week in home audition; not arrived yet..
My local dealer has been really pitching the new AMR DP 777 Dac and he describes at as a design with the musicality of Audio Note as it is also tube base but with a state of the art design/implementation on the input end to ensure detail/data are optimized.

I was intrigue at their split desing to handle redbook and hi-rez through two different chip/circuit paths. Seems extravagant but also logical base on their reasons.

I've started to browse their website and was impress with their design concept and have noticed recent shows, other vendors have been using more AMR gear in their demo setups.

I would love to learn if anyone has experience with this latest AMR Dac and if they can speak on how it compares to other reference caliber Dacs (AA, BADA, DCS,Audio Note, etc...)
Teajay: With all due respect, the Playback Designs sounds nothing like the Meitner gear. I am quite shocked that you would say that after you say you heard both. I am not trying to minimize your report, I am just really surprised.

What was the associated equipment you used when you auditioned the Playback Designs? Also, which model was it?

Jonathan Tinn
Playback Designs
Hi Jonathan,

Well I'm quite "shocked" that your "shocked" that the Playback design Dac reminded me of the latest Meitner gear. If you have ever read my thread on how I experience and group different DACS sonicly, what I call type 1 or type 2 groups, you would understand why your playback very much reminded me on redbook CD's of the Meitner gear. They are both excellent type 1, very transparent/detailed/dynamic, yet compared to the best in type 2 DACS like the AA Tube Hybrid or the CF reference DAC's they don't give you as much as the body of the harmonic and the timbres to me don't sound as rich and natural as the best tubed based DACS. I'm not talking about DACs like the Zanden or Audio Note which to me sound euphonic and somewhat rolled off both on the high and low ends.

The Playback Designs that I auditioned was your latest generation. I would rather not get into what the associated gear was that I heard the Playback DAC in for my reasons, believe me it was all reference level, on this thread. However, if you want to discuss this with me these details just E-mail me your phone number and it would be a pleasure to talk to you.

Finally, I know that you are a gentleman and are only standing up for your excellent DAC, it's quite good but just not my sonic cup of tea, and when I experienced it compared to other DACs it would not be the one I would purchase. Just my opinion, not an attack on your piece.
Have you considered these excellent over achievers:

1. Yamamoto YDA01 and YDA01B
2. Bow Technologies ZZ8 DAC
3. Lampizator Level4
The Perfect Wave is perhaps not the best choice if you are committed to losing the pre, esp. if you listen at low volumes, where it sheds bits. Mine sounds better with a very inexpensive pre.
