Esoteric D-05 dac and Oracle transport

Hey guys, I am looking to upgrade my very old Theta Gen Va with an Esoteric D-O5, but I still want to keep my Oracle CD2000 Mk II (because it is soooo gorgeous). A few questions on this:
1. How good is the dac just with regular digital output from my transport? (all the reviews pair it with the matching P-O5 transport).
2. How much am I missing from the dac not being able to get full upsampling?
3. What upsampling choices do I have, other than the obvious dcs purcell (or newer version)? The Purcell is an option I would look at, maybe do this in stages.
I doubt any digital cable including one of the "world class" (whatever that means) variety, would make anywhere near the difference of a contemporary d/a converter.

I have a Kimber orchid cable, which I will keep and probably get more of if the purcell fits into the plan.

Have any of you guys auditioned the D-O5 as a dac with redbook cd transports?
Hi Audiofeil,

actually, i was basically recommending that Valves consider keeping his Oracle CD player use it as a transport into his Esoteric D-05 DAC...instead of spending 5 figures on a P-05 Transport. And use a world class digital cable which could probably be bought for at most several hundred s/hand.
The Oracle is a dedicated transport, I guess I got the number wrong. On the digital cables, are the orchids still as favoured as they were a few years ago?
Hi V&V,

I would say you might find a lot of positive improvements in the digital cable (cannot speak to the Orchid not having heard it or read about it)...but there are some out there which really made a dramatic improvement over my original Cardas Neutral REference (Nordost Valhalla...BNC termination). Also, isolation products have definitely improved over time that help with reducing transport vibration. Some find power cable can help as well.

As you can see, i am (personally) a proponent of seeing how far you can stretch your transport before you splash out 5 figures on a transport where CD availability is still good but generally dwindling. good luck.