Esoteric D-05 dac and Oracle transport

Hey guys, I am looking to upgrade my very old Theta Gen Va with an Esoteric D-O5, but I still want to keep my Oracle CD2000 Mk II (because it is soooo gorgeous). A few questions on this:
1. How good is the dac just with regular digital output from my transport? (all the reviews pair it with the matching P-O5 transport).
2. How much am I missing from the dac not being able to get full upsampling?
3. What upsampling choices do I have, other than the obvious dcs purcell (or newer version)? The Purcell is an option I would look at, maybe do this in stages.

i think your transport & D-05 are going to be great. Save your money and spend (a bit) on digital cable upgrade if you wish.
Hi Dev;

Thanks for your reply. I own the dedicated transport, which I believe is a mark II because they have symbols to explain the buttons, the earlier version did not. (I may have even bought it from you locally in Ontario, a year or two back).

The puck is still performing perfectly.

That Stealth (Vardig I assume) Sextet is expensive, especially in balanced. I will keep it in mind.
Hi Valvesandvinyl, yes you are correct in July 2009 and I believe you already have the HiFi fuse also.

Great to hear everything is working well and you are enjoying.

The Stealth "Sextet" AES digital cable comes up for sale often just ensure it is the lastest most current version if you go that route and at usually at a great discount, just be patient.

Dac, never heard that specific pce paired up with it but the AA as mentioned above and is marvelous.

Hi Dev;

I am sure I do, since I got it from you. :D

Did you ever use the Kimber illuminations orchid? That is what I currently have. If so, I would love to hear your thoughts on the differences.
D-05 can do all the oversampling to 24/192 or DSD at DAC end so you won't lose upsampling capability when not using Esoteric transport. However whether upsampling is really neccessary, that's a different story.
The only disadvantage I could see by using Oracle transport is the lack of SACD capability.