Esoteric K03

Good Day,
I've chosen to replace my mod Primare CD31 with the Esoteric K03 after a lengthy audition (an order has been placed!).
The K03 was chosen not only for their CD/ SACD capabilities but also for their Digital input DAC.
However, I'd like to listen to others' experiences on the K03 in term of their sonic characters, reliabilities and whether it is the best bang for your bucks player (32 bits, CD/SACD, DAC, Clock Input, etc).
Will USB cable affect the overall computer playback sounding?
What brand of USB cable do you use?
My system:
Wilson Sophia 3
McIntosh MC501
Audio Research Ref 3
Mod Primare CD31 is out. Esoteric K03 is in
Linn LP12, Dynavector 17D3, Ittok, Lingo
Linn Uphorik
Grover Huffman Sx SCs
Nordost Quatro Fil ICs
LessLoss Sig. PCs on mono blocks fed by Weizhi PRS6
Stefan Audio Art PCs on CDP and Pre fed by Shunyata Hydra 2
TG Audio Black & White 9awg to feed into Weizhi and Shunyata
Vibra Pods & cones on CDP, Pre and TT
Custom Hifi stand using thick mdf and steel rods!
Music pref. mainly Jazz and classical
I think you mean me with the Shakti's, Primare. I have stats so I don't really have any first order or side reflections and its a small room so I only have the shaktis in each corner with an echo buster 4/2 behind each shakti. You can actually hear the soundstage diffuse when you swivel the shakti's. I found that it (the shakti's) improves focus when set up correctly. One tweak that stays with these speakers. They actually feel like a sound rudder for the panel(s).

TAS has recently published a review of this player:

As I'm seriously considering this player myself (as part of a complete Esoteric-system) and would like to get additional feedback regarding the performance vs. K-01 as well as the Redbook CD performance in general. The conclusion from TAS is as follows:

"In sum, the Esoteric K-03 is a brilliant concept, and delivers in nearly every category. Though its builders went overboard on configuration options, the rest of the design is unassailable, as is its sonic performance in all but one area. CD playback is good, and disappoints primarily compared to the K-03’s SACD, DAC, and USB performance, all of which are of reference caliber."
I've had a K-03 for about 6 weeks. I use it mostly for USB and SACD and I am still in awe of how good it is. I didn't really see the complaint from TAS on regular CD's but to be honest I am 60% usb/25% SACD/15% redbook. Again, it's an amazing unit. I don't know what can be improved. I now have one of those stereos I hear at shows. My speakers are outputting details I didn't think they were capable of.
I had k-03 for 5 months. Great player if playing scads, if your most listnening is with red book cds, it is not worth that much money (digital glare still there) and you can find better alternative (ayon cd-5s, marantz s7a).
But k-03 has USB and can be used as a DAC (for $13K!)
Also please make sure that cd tray on k-03 does not make any mechanical noise when playing cds.