PerfectWave DAC / Zodiac Gold Shootout Round 1

I got about 250 hours on a Zodiac Gold + Voltikus and did a first round shootout against my PS Audio Perfectwave DAC + Bridge. Source for the Zodiac was Mac Mini over USB. The most level playing fiels setup I could think of was run the PS Audio single ended into the analog input of the Zodiac, match volume levels and run the Zodiac straight into my poweramp. This allows me to do A/B switching on the Zodiac input for a real time comparison.

I do have a Modwright 36.5 LS/PS that I use as a preamp with the Perfectwave, but for unbiased comparison of DACs only, I took this out of the chain alltogether.

Listening to acoustic, "small ensemble" music (mostly Jazz), the Zodiac had a slight edge. I little more air and transparency, but not by a big margin. If I did not own anything yet I would have probably bought the Zodiac and use is as a DAC/preamp.

However, the difference in SQ was small enough that I expect the forthcoming upgrade of the perfectwave dac (in a few weeks) to bring the Perfectwave to the level of the Zodiac. Additionally, I much prefer a network based architecture over USB and love the iPhone controller app (eLyrics) that controls the library for the perfectwave, so ease of use goes to PS audio.

I will do a second round listening session next week with 200 more hours on the Zodiac. I may also run both the Perfecetwave and the Zodiac through the Modwrigh and see what happens. However, as it stands right now the perfectwave stays.

Combined MSRP for a Perfectwave DAC + Bridge + Upgrade + Modwright 36.5 LS/PS is $15K (not including a few grand worth of cabling). You then have 3 chassis' and over 90lbs worth of components.

The Zodiac has the same functionality (if all you need is one analog input), for one third of the price, and is packaged in two small (10 lbs tops) boxes. Sound Quality is pretty close now - not sure what it will be like after the Perfectwav upgrade.

In summary, the Zodiac and perfectwave are both winners, and in a greenfield situation I suspect many would pick the Zodiac over the perfectwave. Those with a sunk investment in PS audio like myself will most likely stay with PS audio, especially now that a major upgrade has been announced.
I have a lot of experience with the PWD so I'd like to chime in. (disclaimer: I used to sell the product and may again at some point)

First, I have found (and well as another friend) that the PWD does not sound as good via single ended. Not sure why, but the balanced is much better, not simply louder.

The Bridge firmwear version can make quite a difference.

I had been running version 0.2.11 for quite some time, since I had heard some of the newer updates had varying sound quality. I decided to update (auto via the front panel) to the latest version, and found it did not sound good, at least in my system. Returning the 0.2.11 made things smoother, more natural and better staged. I have to post this over at the PS Forums to see what others think, and perhaps why this is so.

The PWD is best running at full volume through a top notch preamp. Running at lower than 100, I can hear a reduction in air and quality.
Running the PWD direct to my amps does produce a bit more focused bass, but dynamics and harmonic structure loose out.

This is through a very expensive tube pre with hand built balanced volume control, so in systems with a lesser preamp, I could see the PWD running direct sounder better, as a number of people have noted. The PWD output impedance is a good match from my amps, so I doubt it's a mismatch when going direct.

When the new hardware update is out I believe it's going to be very exciting. Something about analog switching supplies vs. digital in the current version - I have to read up on this)

I'd be untruthful if I didn't say that some versions of the Ipad app and Elyric were flakey at times, but once the Silent Server is released, and there is no computer in the mix, I think it will become very stable since there will be no (or few variables) unlike the present time where the server runs on a computer, where many variables exist.

Paul and company have tackled a huge task basically becoming a computer company in order the deliver this product, which now sounds excellent and supposedly will take a big leap forward in sound quality and usability.

I can even stream music to other devices with Elyric (my WDTV live will play files up to 48K) so the idea of a whole house server has come to fruition.
thanks for taking the time to do this camparo and posting your thoughts. look forward to hearing more comments as you progress. i'm a little confused regarding your set-up. not understanding why you're running the PWD through the zodiac?. i understand the a-b aspect but wouldn't the path through the zodiac "change" the overall sound of the pwd?. i'm not familiar with the zodiac so my apologies if this is a stupid question. just wondering.

thanks again
forgot to mention...the reason i ask is i've found the pwd/pwt to be very sensitive to almost any changes made in my system. more so then any other piece of gear i've every owned. from pc's to isolation...the pwt/pwd reveals even the smallest changes for better or worse (at least that's been my experience). this is why i'm wondering/asking about running the pwd through the zodiac.

thanks again
Levy, I have three options to run the PWD in this shootout. (1) Run the PWD directly into the poweramp using its digital volume control. (2) Run the PWD into the Zodiac (which has a full blown analog preamp build in) or (3) Run it through the Modwright 36.5. With option (2) I am using the same preamp for the Zodiac DAC and the PWD so this is a good basis for comparing the two DACs on their merits as DAC. I will also try both the ZOdiac and PWD into the Modwrigh (running both at full output level) at some point.
Just completed round 2. I now ran the perfectwave through the Modwright preamp, and the Zodiac through the HT bypass on the Modwright. This allowed me to switch inputs in real time. Note that the MOdwright is a true fully passive bypass - it is not a unity gain running through an active circuit. The Zodiac has now hit the 300 hours mark.

In this setup, I had a slight preference for the PWD + Modwright. Whereas the Zodiac had slightly more "air" in the high ranges, the PWD + Modwright combo had more "body" in the low ranges. This was a particularly interesting contrast on the Rachelle Ferrell "First Instrument" CD. High pitch female vocals, with deep chords on the piano. Vocals slightly more fluid on Zodiac, but more robust Piano on the PWD. Overall the PWD was more musical to me.

Still absolutely amazing how good the Zodiac is at its pricepoint and size of the package, but it will go back anyway.