Is a DAC Worth It With Airport Express

Hi - hoping I can get some guidance on DAC and whether or not I need one. My current system:

Onkyo SR608
KEF Surround Speakers 3500SE
MacBook Pro w/iTunes

I play my iTunes library on my Onkyo receiver / KEF speakers via Airport Express.

I recently saw the PS Audio Digital Link III available at a pretty reasonable price. I know that this type of DAC (and others I'm sure) make CDs sound better, but I never use any of my CDs anymore. I listen to all my music as described above and use Apple Lossless whenever possible.

Would my setup benefit from the PS Audio product? I would imagine the setup would be Airport Extreme --> PS Audio --> Onkyo Receiver, correct?

Or is the DAC on my Onkyo fine as it is and the PS Audio just a waste of money?

Thanks so much!!!
I'm using a very similar setup, only I have a the mac mini feeding directly into the ps audio instead of through the AE. I love the set up.
How much better any DAC will sound will depend on several factors. First and foremost are your ears and preferences. It'll also depend on the quality of the internal DAC in your AVR, and the overall resolution of the system. If the AVR isn't good enough to show the differences between DACs, then it won't make a difference or not enough of a difference to justify the cost.

I can't say I'd definitely hear any differences or not, as I don't know your gear.
Yes a DAC ought to be a big improvement. Audio out on Apple products have long been a weakness.

But a big factor in how much improvement you get will be how well the DAC handles jitter. After the initial model (which measured well) Airports have become notorious for their high jitter. So a DAC that handles jitter well ought to really help things out.
Go for an asynchronous type DAC and you will get an audible improvement. Not night and day but usually audible if you listen very carefully/crticallu. I have used a Benchmark DAC1 with AE and heard an improvement. It is like removing noise - everything is a little clearer with less hash.
Great responses. Thank you.

Any thoughts on my set up with the soon to be released Peachtree DAC'it?

Thanks again.