Esoteric x series as transports

Hi all

Does anyone uses an Esoteric x series integral player as a transport ?
I own an x-05 and wonder if anyone found an outboard dac that improve overall presentation (although very good as an integral unit).

thanks to all repliers.
Hi Icorem. Nice system!!!

I have not heard the X5, but i have heard the X-01SE in my system as a transport. i preferred my Zanden DAC to the built-in DAC. probably a personal preference. That said, i definitely felt the X-series transport is sensational.

Depending on what you are looking for: SCarlatti DAC, Zanden DAC, MSB DAC (by reputation...never heard), Vekian DAC are all very, very expensive but also very very good. you may wish to try and see if you like them enough to go outboard DAC. good luck and pls keep up posted.
I have an X-03SE and a Berkeley Dac. I've used it as a transport, and its great. I think I prefer the x-03 by itself rather than through the berkeley (though the esoteric doesn't do hdcd but the berkeley does and the sound is absolutely stunning). I think it has more air and detail. It is a great transport but it will cost you alot of money to get a better dac thank whats inside already, plus, you need an excellent cable (I used the tara labs the one digidal).