Lampizator Transport?

Has anyone have any experience with the New Lampizator transport?
Having a MM with a LPS I am very interested in finding the next step up if there is one.

Outside of the bugged out Lamp is there transport than the MM worth looking at?
Spoke to Ming and he has one happy owner with the Lamp T.

One unit needs a part that Mr. L will ship out from Poland when he returns from NY. That one I will demo. If it kills the MM it will be sold and bought by me.

Will post my results with my demo to those interested.
I have got the Aussie importer and my dealer coming on Sat to try and fix the Lamp for the second time. They say that they now suspect that it is the antennae connector in the Lamp. I hope so, for if they dont fix it this weekend, i will ask for a full refund. They also have not found out what was wrong with the replacement transport that Lukasz sent that was DOA. Even if they fix it, i have lost confidence with the Lampizator company. Its like buying a new car that keeps on breaking down and getting recalls.

Lukasz should have issued a statement to his customers when he knew there were problems. At least it would have saved me a friggin lot of time trying to find what was the problem!!!!!

I thought it was only me, but the US distribtor confirmed that he has problems( There must be others that have the same problems)

This week, a miracle happened with the Lamp working for 2 days straight. But alas the last 2 days being futile with the Lamp not able to connect with the network.

I keep my fingers crossed that a solution would be found this Saturday.
I have had my Lampizator Transport for a week. It took a day and a half to get it up and running. I didn't really understand how the Squeezebox Duet was suppose to work and then I had to open specific ports in my firewall and router. One final trick was taking the battery out of the controller after resetting it back to factory settings. Ming Su, the North American distributor, was very helpful and responsive.
And then MUSIC...! I have the Gen 3 Level 3 Lampizator DAC to go with the transport. I had tried a Sonore music server and a SDtransport and both were better than my Altis Audio CDT III transport. But the Lampizator transport is several levels above the Sonore and SDtransport. They still sounded somewhat digital but the Lamp trans is so much more analog, musical, tons of detail, soundstaging, and much more. If you can get thru the setup problems and initial production problems that have occurred with the unit, you will be rewarded. It is definitely worth the trouble. So you can count me as an estatic owner.
Great you have it up and going! my distributor finally fixed mine by installing 2 computer internal antennae and bypassing the external antennae. It now has a stronger and more stable signal strength.