Apple Mac Mini as a music server

Looking to see if anyone has used a mac mini as a music server? If so please respond on how and what your set is. Also are you using a external DAC and how you have the mini hooked into your system.

You will find that a number of members use a mini as a server. It works great, and with a SuperDrive attached (it's no longer built in to the latest version) is great for ripping CDs. Some will probably suggest you use add-on software, like Amarra or Pure Music, and there are probably good reasons to do so, but I just use iTunes straight up. I have an Audio Research DAC that I have attached to the Mac both by USB and through an Airport Express via a Toslink optical connection.

Personally, I think the Mini is the biggest bargain on the planet as a music server. If you have an iPod touch, iPhone or IPad, you also get complete remote control for free, if you have the mini connected to a wifi network.
So to get a quality sound I will need a external DAC? I currently have a set of MAC ipod cables that I was going to try but sounds like the DAC is the way to go.