disc player/transport longevity

Of all the disc players you've owned, what is the longest any one of them has lasted without the need for service (other than minor dust cleaning or lubing)?

I guess it depends on how often you use your player but so far, I'm going on 14 years.
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I still use my Sony ES cd player from 1986 in a secondary room. It's built like a tank and has never skipped once. It may have the sound quality as today's players, but it's good enough for casual playing.
Got my Yamaha CDX1030 in 1999 and it still works although the drawer opens and closes very slowly.
I owned a Sony 520 II ES from 1988 to 2005, great player for casual listening!
@ Trelja: I think so too. The newer CD players/transports are "disposable items" while the order decks were much more robust and still going strong (including my Sony ES).
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