Are Disc Players Dead?

How important is a disc player anymore? I think that stand alone DAC's have far eclipsed the stand alone disc player in importance over the last 3 years with the rise of server based music.

Only an SACD really needs a disc player anymore. In what instance can you get better sound from a disc player than when you download the music, CD or HiRez, then play it back through a new stand alone DAC with the latest technology?

I really only use my very humble disc player to watch movies that I own now. I download most movies to rent through AppleTV, and if I buy a CD (rare) I download it to the server, where it takes up residence in iTunes for playback in AIFF format.

So, disc players on their deathbed, as DAC move to the top of the digital mountain?

I say yes.
4/5 is not a terrible overall rating. That was the original model, which I had, and it worked flawlessly.

I currently have the newer 5 bay NS (network only) model, and it's even better. Software has improved, and though I have yet to lose a drive, I've read nothing but stellar reviews on no data loss on those as well.

I used to have a RAID array, but it was a pain to maintain.
That's true, all drives eventually fail, except drives that are not in use - backup. Just in case I keep second backup at my work. Both backups are protected from mechanical damage and static electricity (one is in the fireproof safe).

Total cost of it was less than $200. One can argue that both backups can fail in some strange event. If it is nuclear explosion I'm not worrying, but if it is anything else I still have CDs - music is not lost, only some amount of labor. It wasn't a lot of work to start with since I ripped what I was listening.

Al, I agree about statistics. When president of my company walks his dog outside, they both have three legs (statistically). Also tattoos are major cause of motorcycle accidents.