I Like DVA-A Over SACD, ....and You?

Too much in gear to go down that path. For my taste DVD-A sounds more analog and SACD sounds like very good digital...

And your thoughts?
Let's remember that this comparison is going to be heavily affected by the DVD-A and SACD players that you're using to make the comparison. And even with universal players, it's likely that the same manufacturer might do a better job with one or the other format. So I think it's really hard to judge which format is better.

I have a Linn Akkurate player (basically the same at their Unidisk 1.1 w/o the video section) and before that a Linn Unidisk 2.1 (which sounded great but was unreliable supposedly due in large part to difficulties integrating the video section). In both of these players, I do agree that some DVD-As sound better to me than some SACDs, but I haven't done more than a couple direct comparisons. My general sense is that the DVD-As often have more detail but the SACD have a more relaxed and natural sounds. Whether this is due to the way the 2 sections of the player are implemented or to differences inherent in the 2 formats seems impossible to say.

Perhaps this is the Hell that us audiophiles are doomed to? It is kinda like FM vs. FM HD....just got a HD tuner and yes there is much difference in amount of info/detail offered...but is it more sonically natural?....still working on that one.

But, of course, sonic quality has lost out to convienence formats, ala: remember cassettes?

And yes, the DVD-A vs. SACD is like everything, depends on so much to do with the recording, mastering and more. Such a great hobby...until you get into the "audiophile" end of the spectrum. Audio insanity is not a viable legal defense!
Many players sound better with DVD-A , but I don't feel the format is better than SACD .