Digital Source Comparison - An audible difference?

I'm trying to compare with my own ears the difference that people hear, or claim to hear, between digital sources. I realize that it's entirely possible that my system isn't quite to the level where difference are audible but it's pretty simple to do a comparison.

Source 1: Pioneer Elite PD-D6-J SACD Player (on Nordost Sort Kones)
Source 2: Integra CDC-3.4 CD Player (multi-disk)

My plan would be to use two Toslink cables since the Integra is already connected using one and it's fairly easy to obtain another one.

Considering the rest of my system includes an Integra 50.1 AVR, Focal Chorus 836v speakers, and DIY Cat5 speaker cables, would you predict that I will hear a difference?

There is a distinct difference between the two CD players using analog connections, but if they are reduced to being transports that rely on the DAC in the AVR will there still be a difference?
With the same CD in either player, It only depends on how well the receiver handles jitter and how jittery the signals are.
I suggest you ask an uninterested party to listen as you change sources and make comments on paper not verbally to you. Then let them change between the two sources or not back and forth and then compare notes. If neither of you can score better than six out of ten correct there is no significant difference in the two as transports.
Yes, you will hear a difference. A good portion of the difference you hear between the two players has a lot to do with the transport. As you use the players as a transport you will notice the sound will take on the character of the transport being used.