Luxman-McIntosh CD Players

To those of you that have listened to the McIntosh MCD500 SACD/CD player and the Luxman D-06 SACD/CD, how would you compare the two players? If you have listened to either the Mcintosh or the Luxman but not to both, what were your impressions of that player? Thanks for your thoughts.
The McIntosh is a big pile of you know what.....but hey, they don't do digital....I think the internals are all from Denon or was easily trounced by so many players half its's a dumpster piece if i ever heard one....
Does anyone own or have listened to the Luxman D-06 or Luxman D-05 CD Players? Thoughts on them and how they compare to other high end players?
HI Bob, quite a few.....I should have given a better description of what I heard, sorry for that.
What I did hear truly amazed me.... The MDC500 basically robs the music of any life. Every time we listened, everyone sat there, and then when we'd switch to another unit, such as a Naim or Rega or Resolution Audio, everyone started tapping their foot and smiling again. I was truly surprised, and then started to put two and two together, since Mcintosh has not done any digital development of their own, just sticking in some others and putting their name on it. A horrible player musically, looks are fine if you like that sort of thing.

It is so hard to have these conversations when we all have different rooms as well as electronics. The reason i made the post was that i was considering the MCD500 and the Luxman D-06. To say that the MCD500 is horrible is hard for me to fathom. I have an imperfect room and I have had the MCD500 store demo and it is a very nice sounding player. The mid-range is accurate, the bass quite good, and the overall sound giving me a nice balance of detail and musicality. I have decided that I am going to go with a Luxman but the MCD500 was far from terrible. I auditioned the Ayre and Meridian and have also had Ayon. I thought the Mac held its own with that group. I have Pass XA60.5 Monoblocks, a Rowland Capri Pre-Amp, and Tyler Acoustic Loudspeakers with Seas Drivers. I don't know why some people like to bash McIntosh but the player I tried was quite good.