My original CD player, sitting over in the other room, is a Magnevox made by Phillips....It is the original FD-1000 or FD-1001. It is a 14big player with 4x oversampling and a DAC per channel. This was the 'reference' machine against which all others were measured for quite a while. The Sony machines were non-starters and had some audible artifacts. My player would compare favorable to any made today, if I could find a laser for it.
Now, the real reason I write is that the first 3 CDs I bought, long ago in the early 80's are still good stuff. A pre-Cream Eric Clapton album, a soundtrack of 2001 Space Odyssey were both hi quality disks. No compression like modern sound wars stuff. The Clapton, especially, sounds like it was recorded not live, but RAW and in someones garage.
I suspect their will always be 'minority' formats. I know one person who still trys to maintain a BETA machine. CD players may join TTs on the endangered list. The only hangup may be PARTS, which ain't parts. I have a perfectly good second-system player sitting out for lack of a laser.