Are CD players dead

I went to an audiophile meeting today and the owner of the store said Cd's and cd players are dead. He said you need to start learning about computer audio or you will be left behind. Is what he is saying true?
Nothing nostalgic here. Just believe that the only leverage
to help incentivise Major Labels actually do continue to increase costly Music selection in High Rez. Downloads, an
alternative Format with huge selection (CD) be used as a wedge. End of 2012, leverage/wedge is gone with selection in High Rez. Downloads in limbo? How do you make sure to keep the Major Labels honest on promises for more Music
Selection in High Rez. Downloads? What....pinky promise?
>Just believe that the only leverage
to help incentivise Major Labels actually do continue to increase costly Music selection in High Rez. Downloads, an
alternative Format with huge selection (CD) be used as a wedge<

Wow, your posts are a chore to read sometimes......


No malice intended. The only words I understood from your post was the last line. It may be a chore to read the other posts here, but if you re-read your post and it makes sense to you, then I guess I just don't understand it. Had it not been for your complaint, I would not have made the comment. Don't dwell on it.