What is the best DAC under $500?

I am looking for a DAC that I can use with my CD player and also computer. I have been looking at the following 3 DAC's:

- Grant Fidelity Tube DAC-11
- Shiit Bifrost DAC
- Emotive DAC

I would appreciate Audiogon members thoughts on these and other DAC's they would recommend as the best DAC in this price range.
Seekburk - I use an older MF A3-24 DAC, using a HiFace converter. That replaced my Classe CDP-10 CD player and gave better results. I tried a HRT Streamer II (not the plus) and although I could hear the difference, I though the HRT was pretty close and a great bargain. I have not heard the II+. Most things I have read say the II is the sweet spot and the II+ is only marginally better. With a 30 day return policy, I think the HRT products are great options to try.

I have not heard the Shiit Bifrost but it has a very loyal - and almost fanatical - following.
I'm running an XDA-1. For me, it was a no brainer for the price. I'm running five digital sources and the XDA meant that I only needed one DAC.

I'm pretty sure that you could find better if you hunted around a listened to a bunch of equipment. All I can say is that my setup sounds good to me and was certainly an improvement over using the internal DAC on my NAD AV preamp.
Thanks guys for your input and especially thank you Rob for that thoughtful post! I think i will be sitting tight for awhile and just enjoying the music as you mentioned you are doing Rob.

Things are sounding very good for me as is, so i think it is just time to chill and enjoy the music, and not be concerned about the next best DAC, and enjoy what i already am listening to.

If i heard some people say conclusively that they heard a significant improvement in tonality by stepping up fromt he HRT Music Streamer ll+ to the Rega, or EE Minimax Plus, then i would have to reconsider, but i haven't heard those definitive comments thus far.