No such thing as a future proof DAC...

I've been fooled in the past by digital gear manufacturers claiming their DAC or digital gear is future proof. Case in point was the Cambridge Audio CD2 player back in the 1980s that had replaceable boards for the DAC chip. Great CDP at the time but never was really upgradeable. Now, I keep on hearing about new DACs that are future proof (eg, BiFrost DAC). The only DAC that I know that has a long history for being upgradeable is may be the MSB DACs, but they can cost an arm and a leg. May be dCs, but again mucho expensive. Do you believe in the hype? Doesn't seem to be in the manufacturers interest to offer a truly upgradeable digital gear when a new version can be offered after a year that requires you to buy a new unit.
Douglas, better definition and soundstage in newer DACs may be true but most newer DACs seem to miss the mark when it comes to naturalness of timbre, pace and rhythm, and smoother sound compared to the older ladder DAC chips and some NOS designs. I dunno but I don't think newer necessarily sound better IMO.

But getting back to upgradeable DACs, most seem like marketing ploy. Some take too much of an advantage by offering too frequent upgrades you would think the designer has no clue.
When I bought my Mac G4 I was assured that it was "Future Proof" as you could easily change the boards. When I wanted to upgrade it a couple of years ago I found that it was either impossible or totally impractical depending on who I talked with and it would not be as good as the Mac Mini no matter what I did to it. I would take ANY claim of "Future Proof" with a block of salt.
I've been fooled in the past by digital gear manufacturers claiming their DAC or digital gear is future proof.

If the digital player or DAC has been designed adopting modular configuration, it sure is future proof.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
anyone who tells you a piece of electronics is future proof either (a) believes they are psychic or (b) as a smart manufacturer has hedged their bet with a trade in program. I deal with product life cycles... 3 years is about as far as anyone can predict in a technology field

128 bit word, 384khz/32 bit audio stream DAC's anyone?