Have digital players improved

Anyone else notice that the last five years or so digital players have improved to a point where there equal to analog and without all the fiddle f---ing of the latter. It hasn't been simple or easy or inexpensive but it's been rewarding.
It's about at least SEEMING smarter. Actually being smarter is something else altogether.
Well said Nonoise , both formats have there virtues, it's just a matter of which one we each prefer. There's a few here that just don't seem to see or respect that, and continue to troll the digital sites looking for a fight.
It's fruitless to say one is better than the other.

They are different and always will be different.

IMO digital has made greater advances in the last 10 years than vinyl has in the last 20 years.

But if forced to live with only one, I'll take my records.