Mac Mini vs. CDP?

So....finally got a new Mac Mini and got it all set up with some CD's ripped lossless to Itunes. The Mac is feeding a Rega DAC via USB. A Oppo 981 DVD player is also feeding the Rega via the RCA-coax (using Cardas).

Norah Jones "Come Away With Me" was used for this test.

I cued up the CD and Mac and switched between them. At first I thought it was identical, but with a few minutes I could hear that the MAC's presentation was decidedly dull and lifeless sounding. The CDP/Rega combo sounded more open and live. I tried a few more tracks and heard the same thing. So I called my buddy (he owns a big rig of ARC and Vandersteen stuff) and he echoed my findings using the W4S DAC 2.

So what's up here? I've heard people claim Mac via USB is a match for a CDP. It seems like it should be....Ideas?

I'd like to add that the Mac Mini/rega combo sounds really good....But so far I prefer the Oppo CDP/rega combo. I have little knowledge on optimizing settings on the Mac Mini/Itunes and any suggestions would be most appreciated!

From most reports, the Mini lacks the horsepower to do the ripping successfully, especially if you use some of the better software like 'exact copy'. I returned a Mini after experiencing what you did.
I've been planning to get the Mac Mini for my Eastern Electric Minimax DAC+. Until then, I'll be running it coax with my Krell cdp. I'll be watching this thread with interest for responses to this SQ issue. From all my reading, for computer audio to achieve good to excellent results, configuring the Mac Mini, tweaks, and add-on software are prerequisites. (all of which I know nothing) I've read great feedback regarding Amarra with the Mac Mini as compared against ITunes. The software is expensive however, and I'm only willing to go so far with expense for good sound quality in a computer audio setup. In fact, I don't think great expense should be necessary for computer, DAC and everything; $1-2k should be enough. (sorry, that's a different thread!)
Buconero, I've never read anything on the web with that account. I also experimented with my big Imac and results are identical. But I stayed up late and did some research and are the results.

I re-ripped the files with error correction set to ON. I have a fancy looking no-name USB cable which I swapped out for the Belkin Pro Gold. I then repositioned the Merlin Speakers so I could switch sources more easily without changing my position in the room to do so. And finally....I tried some different filter settings and found that Filter 1 was best for the Mini while Filter 4 was suited to the CDP.

The result now was I preferred the MacMini sound. I don't know if this was due to the error correction or the USB cable. The difference was very small, but the Mini/rega now sounded smoother at the top end and the Opp/rega just a tad harsh. Again....very subtle and you'd have to be listening like a maniac for the differences. Bottom line: Very pleased with the Mini now. I can control it perfectly with the Ipad without a screen as well....very cool. Next I'll be adding the new Rega Apollo R to the DAC and that may turn the tables yet again.

The Mac mini will also be getting a memory bump, which according to 6Moons will do more for the Mini.

