The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat

I want to share my amazingly positive experience with the new Marigo Evolution Signature CD Mat. I have used Marigo's CD mats over the years from their very first offering, I believe about fifteen or so years ago. The Evolution Signature mat is the fourth iteration of the Marigo mat. Each successive "generation" had wrought positive improvements from my Mark Levinson Reference 31.5 transport. (While the top loading Levinson comes with its own CD clamp, I have ordered parts from Levinson and have made my own CD clamp, substituting their carbon fiber disk for your Marigo mat.) The latest Evolution Signature mat's improvement is so substantial that it is a larger "jump" in performance than from the standard Levinson clamp to the last generation "3D Signature V2" mat!
I hear a startling increase in the focus of imaging placement within the sound stage. The focus of everything in that sound stage is both tighter and possesses a three dimensional body that most digital simply lacks. Tone saturation is richer. The bass not only goes deeper, but is more tuneful as well. The highs are better defined and extended. The mid range is the icing on the cake. Voices are much better defined and clarified, combined with the improvement in density of tone and harmonic texture now sound shockingly real and alive. The sense of space and performance venue is greatly improved as well.

Overall the music has so much more of a relaxed quality to it similar to that of master tape analogue that allows me to simply listen to the music and not work as hard having my brain trying to connect the "digital dots". The increased resolution, focus, dynamics, detail, sense of space, articulation, and what I would call a "continuousness" of saturated tone, all combine to literally transform my digital playback to a level that I have never experienced before! I know that this must seem like hyperbole. The overall improvement is SHOCKING!

In the context of my high end system the $200 that I had paid for Evolution Signature mat that replaced the Reference V2 mat, was the cheapest money that I have ever spent for the most improvement in my system!

If anyone has a Reference V2 mat, they may be loathe to replace it, as it is most excellent. I can tell you from first hand experience, that the new Evolution signature mat is on a whole different and much higher level of sonic improvement.

For anyone has never tried a Marigo CD mat or any mat for that matter, this is the one to have. This is not just a simple "tweak", this is an essential and basically "give away" priced in terms of the substantial sonic upgrade that truly must be experienced to be believed. In the context of my high end audio system, this is making an improvement that I did not think possible and at a price that was ridiculously low. Based on my listening experience, this may be the biggest bargain in audio today!
Color, finish and texture all three for sure. Add one more and that is material foursure.. Tom
Color is an important issue for sound, aside from the way color influences the sound of cd players. For example, all things being equal a room with blue walls will sound considerably better than a room with white or green walls, and a room with a green ceiling will sound superior to the same room with a different color ceiling or white ceiling. Another example how color affects the sound is a power cord with a white jacket will sound superior to the same power cord with a black or different color jacket. In fact, wrapping a power cord that has a black jacket with white tape will improve the sound.

Machina Dynamica
Advanced Audio Concepts
I have some new acoustic devices that I now use on my speakers and lay on the floor. The way that sound travels over and around these devices can be altered by the finish flat, satin or pebbled coarse. The placement required determines the finish and the resulting sonic benefit. Tom
I don't know if you remember the old color organs. Just a box that would turn different colors dependent on the freq. running through it. An electronic project in high school. Mid 1960's. Now that really effected the sound. It was kind of psychedelic, it almost made you have an out of body experience. You had to be there. I think that is where the history of color and sound got started. I think I should write an authoritative book on it. Do you think audio phillies would like it. Oh sure they like everything. At least with a color organ you don't just hear the difference you can see it. Should appeal to those that say, if you can't measure it, it ain't so you are just delusional. You shouldn't let curiosity get you goooo aheeaadd and check that color organ out. Remember you can see the difference.
i find myself agreeing with Ballyhoo - he is spot on with my experience over the years - to me a lot of the high end is total bs

i do have the signature evolution mat however and tone color is def more pronounced - focus is better - the overall presentation is more coherent - i have a $2500 player that is fairly new. - so it is bringing improvements.

the issue for me is that when i read a review like coopersark's i think that in my system - and with the expectations that his words translated into the way i think that for instance the word "shocking" will be. I get totally let down when that particular tweak doesn't live up to my interpretation.

the true test for me is will i be using it in 3 months?

ive had so many mats, cables, isolators, cd players, tweaks over the years - within 3-4 months i could care less if that particular tweak is in my system

on more than one occasion ive told my friend that shows some interest in what i do in my system - that the a lot of the high end is all bs