Esoteric K-03/Plinius CD-101

Hello fellow audioholics
I am seeking some advice on Esoteric CD players.
I have Dynaudio C4’s with Plinius SA-103, Tautoro and CD-101 with Kimber Hero I/C’s but although I am generally happy with the CD101’s sound I’m considering replacing it for various other reasons.
I’m interested in trying an Esoteric player, potentially the K-03 and was wondering how much of an improvement this player would be compared to the CD-101 with Redbook CD’s as unfortunately I have no way of auditioning.
Can those who have heard both players please comment on what they feel i would gain.

Thanks very much
Actually the article in Stereophile describes measurement software that the two companies have developed which is a neutral tool. Their findings just provided a partial explanation as to why cables effect sound. That being said, the cost of cabling can be absurd. No argument there....
The esoteric cable/tweak industry has done far more harm than good for this hobby( imo). I mean really, anyone can be in this industry within a very short period of time and make any sort of claim they wish. Audiophiles just soak it up....
Budt, you are correct. There is a lot of witchcraft at work, but it's not relegated to cables.

Audiofeil, touché. You are an industry guy. Any comments on Budt's statement?