I've been listening to some of my favorite recordings this weekend and was wondering what others on Audiogon felt were there favorites. We have all seen the Stereophile "Records to Die For", The Absolute Sounds recommended list, Music Directs' list, The Golden Ear, etc. now I'm hoping to assemble the Audiogon "Recordings To Die For". Please list your five favorite recordings, the ones you listen to over and over or play for friends. I would assume the sonic quality is excellent in that this is an audiophile site. The performance and enjoy ability should also be excellent. Please leave your top five, even if they are already chosen so we can discover the very top for the Audiogon listeners. ALSO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CRITICIZING OTHERS OPINIONS AND JUST LEAVE YOUR FAVORITES!

August 2002: I have compiled a summary and a full printer-friendly list of all of the recommendations below.
click here to view summary
I have yet to hear anything that I would die for, because if I died I would not be able to enjoy listening to the album.

I have a Motorcycle that I almost died with, a Ducati 1198.

This is said sarcastically.

Surely you could ask deep thought the ultimate question? I'm sure then you could work a way to surviving listening to the record to die for. But then it wouldn't be to die for!

Your name brings back happy memories Zaphodbeeblebrox. Forgive me I couldn't resist.

I welcome any references to Hitchhikers!


The answer to the Ultimate Question is 42.

If you put 42 into machine code it is 0101010, interesting if true.
I don't know if Douglas Adams pick 42 because of its machine code or he just picked the number out of the air.
Zaphodbeeblebrox lol,

I didn't know the machine code reference. I'm trying to think when the last time I even saw machine code was. 1987 maybe?

For those vinyl heads its a shame the answer wasn't 45...
Doobie Brothers - The Captain and Me on Speakers Corner Records vinyl.

This is definitely an audio treat, but it must be the Speakers Corner Version as it is a revelation. I’ve compared it to the Mofi SACD and Friday Music vinyl and both of those sound dead compared to Speakers Corner.