RCA or XLR Between Digital Separates?

Hi I'm awaiting Antelope Zodiac basic DAC and wonder if there are any advantages/disadvantages between RCA and XLR digital cables used.
"Like 99.9999% of the questions, it all depends on the component and cable. Last month I demoed an expensive highly regarded DAC at home for a week and found AEB/ESU was much superior to RCA eventhough the RCA digital cable is 3X more expensive. The only way to know for sure is try both in your system."

As long as the cable has proper impedance and reasonable capacitance the XLR design wins hands down. You can buy the best solid silver RCA cable half an inch thick and compare it to any cheap-o balanced cable you can buy in a music store and the XLR to XLR signal transmission will be superior. For short distances, like less than 15 feet, the difference is often not important or audible. Balanced cables use differential signalling, which puts the portion of the waveform below the reference voltage on one conductor and the portion above the reference on the other conductor, with a common ground. That's why you see three pins in an XLR connector.

At the receiver the signals are recombined at some point, and the combining process produces a phenomenon called common mode noise cancellation. This allows much longer cable runs without signal degradation, and that's why balanced cables are used for pro audio and microphones. Consumer audio tends not to use balanced audio because the circuitry is more expensive, the connectors are more expensive by far (except for perhaps WBTs), and for short runs, like I said, there may not be an audible difference.

The differential signalling advantage applies to analog and digital signalling equally, because on a cable it's all really analog.

RCA cables are "single-ended" and that's an inherently inferior signalling technique.

So, will a well executed RCA design with a reasonable cable be better than a poorly executed balanced design? Yes, of course. But otherwise balanced cables are the way to go.
12-17-11: Irvrobinson
As long as the cable has proper impedance and reasonable capacitance the XLR design wins hands down. You can buy the best solid silver RCA cable half an inch thick and compare it to any cheap-o balanced cable you can buy in a music store and the XLR to XLR signal transmission will be superior. For short distances, like less than 15 feet, the difference is often not important or audible. Balanced cables use differential signalling, which puts the portion of the waveform below the reference voltage on one conductor and the portion above the reference on the other conductor, with a common ground. That's why you see three pins in an XLR connector.


So, will a well executed RCA design with a reasonable cable be better than a poorly executed balanced design? Yes, of course. But otherwise balanced cables are the way to go.
Well, not from my practical experience. Years ago I had a Benchmark DAC1 w/PCX mod and in my system, the $140 BNC Stereovox XV2 surprisely crushed a Kimber AEB/ESU in $1K range and DH Labs AEB/ESU in $300 range. It's a long time ago so don't remember the model#s.

Later I tried a Zu Ash AEB/ESU and it was the best cable I've heard in the system.

Theory is one thing but design / execution of the design is another.
Knghifi, your position is that one properly constructed cable that meets specifications can "crush" another? I don't live in that universe. Sorry.
Thanks, guys. I am comparing now - a Tara Labs "the One" spdif and a Purist Audio 20th Anniversary Actures XLR. Need to warm up the XLR a little more but it may have a deeper soundstand and be a little (little) more resolving but the bass is (maybe) not as tight, but that could be warming up/breaking in. The XLR cable was broken in but not used for 6 months or so. The cable is between an Esoteric G25u and a Berkeley Dac. Source is PC/Win 7/JRiver16/ESI Juli@.
12-18-11: Irvrobinson
Knghifi, your position is that one properly constructed cable that meets specifications can "crush" another? I don't live in that universe. Sorry.
Irvrobinson, I'm simply saying you just can't assume a AEB/ESU cable is ALWAYS superior to a RCA cable without listening them in your system.