Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95

Anyone got a chance to compare modded xa5400 and Oppo 95 units? How would you define the overall sound character of the two? I am using Merlin speakers with ARS filarmonia amplifier. I like to listen Jazz and Classical mainly. Would like to have a great resolution, vocal clarity, focused sound stage and full bodied presentation (..of Piano and string instruments).
Not looking for comparison between stock and modded units.
Please help me decide between the two. Thanks.
I assume if one is only going to listen to 2 CH, there is no advantage to getting a Bybee Rail on the MCH DAC? I realize that sounds like a stupid question, but thought I would ask anyway - audio being weird and all.
Thanks for any insight you have.
You are right, Jfz. For 2ch analog out , bybee rail goes for each channel ie L&R. No point putting them for MCH.
I just got my ModWright a few days ago, and have to concur with all the great things said. And I was coming from a $18K GNSC modded Wadia S7i and a $32K Burmester 089 CDP. My ModWright 105 blows it out the door. Dan hit this out of the ballpark. It sounds organic, transparent and with that beautiful tube magic. The ModWright 105, IMHO, is the best sounding source I have heard in my system.
How is Modwright 105 SPDIF inputs (use as standalone dac)? I assume most of you are using it as CD player or through a flash drive.