Audio aero capitole mk2 need help repairing

Dear: friends,

I have owned this great mk2 cdp for years, recently problem starts to appears, it switches off by itself and turns back on again while playing, and this switching on and off wont stop untill i have to power down the unit and let it rest for a few seconds before turning the power on again. However, this happens in sequence like after a few minute again while playing. It keeps on switching on and off by itself while playing.

I really love this aero, one of the best, most intimate, detail and warm digital player, and it is hard for me to find a replacement, so i would kindly seek help on similar problem and resolution to repair this...

Pls help...thanks alot and I would appreciate any advice....
The Chinfa KAM3005 is a AC - DC Module takes anything for 85V to 240V AC and converts it to 5VDC to feed the digital circuits in the AA players. Its no longer available but there are several suitable replacement modules available. Thy are however not plug and play, they need to be relocated to in front of the power supply card then hardwired back to the card.

At the same time it is a good idea to properly heat sink the TO220 regulators etc on the Power supply card as it shows the run too hot.

Best of luck

No problems with my La Fontaine. Is there issues Ja ?
For anyone who needs it I have a Chinfa power supply.
Cheers, Peter
Hello Peter,

historically, AA has had problem(s) w/ their players. I must say that you are the 1st person I have heard of owning the La Fontaine. Beautiful looking player. I would love to get a demo or see it in a dealers/retailers shop sometime.

All said, I simply wanted to inquire about the player and any associated problem/issue(s).

Happy Listening!
Dear: My respected fellow Audiogoners..

And My great respect for Mr. Peter, The president of PBN Audio..who had sent me a detailed and helpful upgrade guide regarding this issue which I initiated. My thank You, is beyond words I could express for His kindness and generosity.

I sent out my Capitole to a knowledgeable repair man in my country and passed him all the information which I had obtained from Mr. Peter thoroughly..(because he was not sure of how to do this in the first place, given there was no available exact match of module in the market)

With the knowledge in hand, The Repair man was dare to conduct the procedure, he initially did some checks before the procedure, and found that the AC/DC module was actually working well with no issue..

However, He suspected out that it was the dirty voltage and unstable - voltage drop issue which is very common in my country that caused the shutting down problem. He suggested me to try adding an automatic voltage stabiliser before my furutech conditioner. I took on His advise and my AA has come back to live...

No more shutting down issue while playing, everything works as day one when I purchased the unit...

Thank you Mr. Peter for your generosity and kindness, I would like to wish you success.. always.. God Bless You Sir.

Best Regards
And also By the way...

I still insist, and think that Audio Aero is still better than the Ayon..if you compare them A to B in real life situation given softwares are universally chosen and various genres are played..

But I guess, my appology for Ayon fans, may be it was just my taste that is "too Analogue"..

But Ayon is really a serious contender to the dollar to performance ratio..

Thank you..