Audio aero capitole mk2 need help repairing

Dear: friends,

I have owned this great mk2 cdp for years, recently problem starts to appears, it switches off by itself and turns back on again while playing, and this switching on and off wont stop untill i have to power down the unit and let it rest for a few seconds before turning the power on again. However, this happens in sequence like after a few minute again while playing. It keeps on switching on and off by itself while playing.

I really love this aero, one of the best, most intimate, detail and warm digital player, and it is hard for me to find a replacement, so i would kindly seek help on similar problem and resolution to repair this...

Pls help...thanks alot and I would appreciate any advice....
And also By the way...

I still insist, and think that Audio Aero is still better than the Ayon..if you compare them A to B in real life situation given softwares are universally chosen and various genres are played..

But I guess, my appology for Ayon fans, may be it was just my taste that is "too Analogue"..

But Ayon is really a serious contender to the dollar to performance ratio..

Thank you..
Don't mean to hijack this long running thread, but I too need help with my AA Capitole Reference SE. It has had issues from the time it was purchased used with not powering up on turn on. The Audio Aero Capitole CD welcome message comes on, but that message disappears and then black screen. Very intermittent on being able to play a cd. Much more not than can. Other inputs /preamp seem to function normally. Have tried both analog and digital with good sound produced. I have already replaced the chinfa module but it made no difference. One more clue is that the last time it played, it had to be plugged in for two days before it decided to play cds. Unplugged it for 15 min and moved it ever so gently to a new location across the room and no cd player again. Any thoughts?
I believe the player had been to Sedonix once before I bought it because there was a shipping tag from there on the outer packing box. All help tremendously appreciated in advance.