Airport Express/Apple TV into DAC vs Mac into DAC

Hi guys,

Due to budget constraints I might not be able to purchase a Mac Mini for my living room audio/video setup.

1st option -

Use either an Airport Express or Apple TV hooked up to an affordable DAC (yet to be selected)
- most probably Apple TV so I can stream my movies/tv shows directly into my TV as well.
- need to get an optical DAC (can't seem to find good optical DACs that are as cheap as say the HRT Streamer ii)

2nd option -

Use my Macbook Pro and plug in direct to DAC
- clunky option, cuz I would need to constantly plug and unplug my MBP when I need to do work on it
- can use cheaper USB DACs like the HRT Streamer II

Question -

Would I suffer reduced audio quality with the Airport Express/Apple TV route - as compared to plugging the DAC directly into my Macbook Pro?

Many thanks in advance!
Kijanki, understood and agreed. I am referring to asyncronous new generation USB DACs (HRT Music Streamers), which don't seem to have the same jitter sensitivity as inexpensive spdif input DACs.
The AppleTV has lower jitter than the AE or the Toslink from the Mac, so I would go that route.

There are no DACs that eliminate jitter IME. Some can reduce it a little, but usually at the expense of resampling the data and the associated distortion that causes. If they use one particular upsampler chip and a really good clock, the results can be very good however. Most harwdare upsamplers are pretty bad IMO.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, look at this measurement page of Stereophile review. It shows Benchmark DAC1 excellent jitter suppression.

Do you know by any chance jitter numbers for AppleTV?