Hegel HD20 DAC-Has anyone heard it?


How would you describe the Sound of the Hegel Dac?

It is a very good dac and competitive with many good dacs, I heard it and it outperformed the Bryston Dac.

I did not hear it as a preamp, just as a dac. The Hegel throws a big sound stage and is quite warm and involving.

If you need the preamp functions and a good dac, it is a nice package.

I don't know how it compares with other dacs that are way more expensive. I did prefer the M2 Young over the HD 20,

there is a new HD 11 which offers a new 32 bit dac but no preamp section. I am waiting to hear that one.
Let's not forget audiofreakgeek sells the Hegel line and also posts under another moniker.

Caveat emptor.