Magnum Dynalab MD809T

Has anyone heard or have any experience with the new Magnum Dynalab MD809T internet radio?
i just bought the MD 801 entry internet tuner which plays thru my MD 108T w internal DAC- decided to go this route rather than sell the 108Tand get an 809. just love internet radio- sounds very nice- and the frontier silicon has lots of stations and allows you to choose any that
they don't have already- so far it's been great- hardly listen to anything but internet radio anymore- radio paradise is wonderful.
For internet radio and its inherent signal limitations, it seems like just getting a Squeezebox, which has a relatively easy interface and a lots of control options, and then running the signal into a DAC of your choice would be a much more flexible option. And much less expensive unless you go crazy on the DAC.
Bgordnor, How would you compare the SQ of internet radio to a good pure FM signal?
i'm in honolulu so have limited quality FM signals- i do listen to public radio jazz shows in evening and quality is decent. I've found radio paradise which i listen to often most all day via their 128k AAC signal which sounds very good-
neither of these is anywhere near quality of my basis turntable but i like the huge internet availability of tunes and spend lots of time listening to internet & wife's i tunes via the new internet tuner thru quicksilver M-135s & older updated watt/puppy 3/2. sounds good to me.
I purchased the Magnum Dynalab MD807t and have done limited listening to my FM stations because of poor FM reception in my area (San Francisco Bay Area). To be honest, the Internet radio station selection is much better than FM. I cannot receive my favorite FM radio station so I select it on the Internet for listening. The good news is every station I wanted to hear on FM that had FM reception problems, i was able to select on the Internet.

I can select stations from everywhere in the world and the sound quality is very good. Internet stations can be selected by country or music type (classical, blues, jazz, new ages, etc). These Internet media tuners allow you to create and organize your favorite list of stations via an Internet Radio Portal website. This feature allows you to have a full list of the stations you listen to regularly on one page instead of having to search each time. Some stations come in sounding better than other stations. I try to select Internet stations that are using 128k or higher. Stations using lower numbers (such as 48k, 64k, etc) do not sound as good.

As per Magnum Dynalab instructions, I setup the Frontier Silicon radio portal for this capability. It is free and very easy to use. The portal provides an excellent search capability to help you identify the Internet stations you want to listen to. You build your list on the computer and select the stations you want to listen to on the Media tuner. This is an excellent feature and makes the Internet radio selection process much easier. New stations can be easily added or deleted using the Frontier Silicon radio portal. See www.wifiradio-frontier

The Media Internet Tuner screen is easy to use and the radio selection process is excellent (yes, I wish it was larger). I am running my MD807t balanced into my Ayre AX-7e Integrated amplifier. The sound quality is very good and it is easy to listen to. I called Magnum Dynalab several times with questions and they were very helpful and responsive. My 807t is wired to my router via the Ethernet over power connections (the tuner also supports wi-fi connection). I have had no problems using my power lines.

In summary, I like my MD807t Internet Media tuner very much and highly recommend it. The setup is easy, the Internet station selection process is easy to use either on the tuner or via the radio portal. I am very pleased with the sound quality. The MD807t is highly recommended. Based on the specs, the 809t is even better sounding than the 807t.