What is the best transport?

I want to upgrade my transport. I am using the Audio Note CDT 2. My dac is the Audio Note 2.1x sig. I have not yet auditioned any new transports, but have read up on the Audio Note CDT 4 and the Esoteric P-03.

Both of these are in the 16-18k price range. My budget can go that high. Will my dac be good enough or be overpowered?

What else is available which should be considered?
Ag insider logo xs@2xchangeout

I've been lusting over such a copy for quite some time now, but wasn't sure it will sound as good. :-)

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it! Will buy it and let you know.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Just check Ebay Alex an the V on the label should be yellow in color. Most records I buy on ebay are good, but once in a while you get one where the record looks perfect, but the grooves are worn by a bad table or arm setup.
Jeff, thanks again. Would it be possible to email me? I'd appreciate it very much!

alex [at] aplhifi [dot] com.

I have found a copy, but would like to ask your opinion about it. Also posted something on your audio system thread, but still waiting "moderator approval".

Best wishes,

Computer vs CD transport is no different than the intractable tube vs transistor debate.
IMO, very poor analogy. Tube and SS have distinct sonic characteristics and doesn't require special skills to use either.

When it comes to computer, it helps if one is computer savvy especially DIY. From my experience, if a computer system is properly configured, it's always superior to a CD transport.

After reading Dvavc post, I can understand why he's not satisfied with the results.
Guys, don't get me wrong, i wish my comp to outperform my CD player, which BTW, broke down) that's why i'm looking for a replacement((. Of source comp has a bunch of advantages, main of which is convenience. Of course i would love to have all my music in my comp rather than all over US))), who wouldn't?) Somebody mention here that comp has more sole and emotions. That BTW, might be true. I also kinda noticed something to that effect, but never compared A to B. I think it might be due to the better PRAT, but it just very raw thoughts. However, what bother me that ripped files are slightly (probably like 2% loss) inferior to CD from which they ripped. Slightly muddier, less air between the notes and instruments, voice timbres changed etc. And this is compare to the same CD played from same $10 CDROM, which was used in the process of ripping, not to a good transport!!!. I comparing it for 7 years))) hoping it will get better some day, but it doesn't) (((. I'll be seeing Audiogoner this weekends on The show and will do some riping and comparisons with him on his, as i understand highly tweaked comp, than i'll post if that was my lack of experience as to how properly rip CD, or it is my opponents' hearing problems.) Its getting really interesting.