I will say at this point it is the best dac I have heard. I replaced my Bidat with Plus mod with a MSB Power Dac, the MSB in turn got smoked by the Metrum Octave + the Sonicweld Diverter HR. I am using the DP777 with my mac mini feeding it directly. It's built in USB connection was so good I sold my Diverter HR. I have not to this point heard anything quite like it.., and I have hear a lot of dacs. The AMR is so good, I really just don't have a lot to say about it other than just do yourself a favor and go hear the unit. I bought the DP777 and I have been thrilled with my latest aquisition. I have my mac mini usb connected and use Pure Music in Hog Mode for music. I have the analog out of the mac mini feeding one of the analog inputs on the AMR for movies and Pandora...etc.
The other analog input is connected to my PS3 for Blu Ray movies and such. It is a very very very function control center as well as a superior music making machine.
Also I can report that the built 71 step resistor matrix array preamp has a transparency that is uncanny.
It is amazing what this thing offers for $5K.