Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.

My DAC has been running for 4 weeks and it now getting very good. Both DAC chips have broken in so please disregard the above post as it has no meaning.

This is a great DAC now that it has lots of hours on it. I have sold the Berkeley Alpha USB converter running into the AMR 777. The AMR 777 has a better USB input than the Berkeley running through the BNC connector. When running the Berkeley into the AMR777’s BNC connector the sound loses punch which is not a problem using the internal USB connector. So I am quite happy with the AMR777 DAC now.

I am using an Audioquest Diamond USB cable. What USB cables are you guys using with the AMR777 DAC?
I am currently using Ifi Gemini and Ifi USB. I have tried using Halide Design USB to BNC, but not much difference to normal USB cable. To my ears, the Ifi Gemini gives a bit more weight and clarity to the sound.

I am considering one of these two DACs - NAD M51 or AMR DP-777. What do you think does the NAD better than the AMR? And vice versa?
Both seem to be highly praised. But their prices are so far off each other that I have a hard time believing the NAD being same or even better than the AMR...

Thanks, Karmakuma

What does the NAD M51 do better? Everything. It is a sleeper -- and a steal. IMO.