Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.

I have an AMR777 DAC and really like it. I noticed you have the Duelend VSF Black caps. Are these caps the copper version? Have you gotten the upgrade SE version coming out already? I can’t wait for the upgraded caps and SE mod. It has me all excited.

Hi Coxhaus, I do have the copper VSF Black caps. I will be getting the SE modification and I am excited as well. I don't have it as yet, because it is not available yet.., shipping last day of March...

Upgraded digital engine with Quad Core engine, in-house designed upgraded coupling cap and the NOS 5670 tube with built in noise filters in the tube socket.

Good times indeed!!!!
Anyone know when the DSD upgrade will be available? If it's still a while off then I will order the SE upgrade, not a trivial advantage to keep their customers loyal considering most companies just sell you another model.
Audiofun: did you do the caps upgrade yourself?
Jazzonthehudson (love the handle btw); No, laziness LOL... I sent it to Avatar for the change. I am really busy with my software dev business and they would have sat around forever :)
Anyone has got the SE upgrade lately? Which NOS tubes in the SE upgrade package are being used?
After moving to the Lampi L4G4, I like the sound (more liquid) but miss the, IME, better volume control of the DP-777 and its better designed USB circuitry.