Audio note Dac question


I don't hear much talk on the Gon about the Audio Note Dac kits. I know they may be a bit dated but they still look interesting to me. I am in the market for a new dac and really like building kits when ever I can. I was considering either the 2.1 or the 3.1 kit. If anyone can shed some light on them it would be a great help.

I am also considering the Benchmark Dac 1 usb. I had one when they first came out with the NE5555 opamps and ended up selling it. I wasn't that impressed with it at the time, then again the system I have now is much better than what I had. I have also heard they sound better with the LM4562 opamps.

Thanks for the help
Hey FC,

I put a couple of matched nos amperex bugle boys and an RCA in. One other I don't remember atm.

You can find me at joncourage(at)ymail(dot)com
Here is a review I wrote of the PWT
As far as upgrades go - I briefly reviewed the AN Kit site for a refreshment and would definitely start, at least, with the 2.1 B kit - the I/V transformers are a crucial link in natural digital conversion, in my opinion. I did not notice if the "signature digital board" is included or not with the 2.1 B but if not should be done. Next, if you can find a AD 1865 N-K chip, that is a surprisingly cheap upgrade - I remember I found mine at an online electronics distributor for $50 - they can be hard to find though. I am also a big fan of the open, crisp, natural, unavailing V-Caps have on sound, they are pricy but I recommend when you want to spend a bit more.