APL NWO Owners

I'd be interested hearing from any owners of the above as to the tubes you are using as well as power cables, interconnects and isolation.
My unit does not have tube output but it is passive tranformer-based one and I love it. I use Joule-Electra LA-300ME tube preamp and the combination drives me literally nut so good it is. I can't imagine anything better (except LA-450 of course)

I also used David Elrod Gold Statement PC and APL interconnects. Now, I moved to next level: Purist Audio Design which I feel more accurately represent the acoustic music and while I am professional concert pianist its still my personal opinion.

Simon, what mode of PUrist audio did you moved to?
I am decideing between stealth indra/dream and latest purist dominus ICs and SCs.
Denon1: I use latest Purist Audio generation (Praesto Revision): Purist LE power cord and Ferox Dominus interconnects. Power cord is very, very good but interconnects are simply exceptional

Good Luck

Just an FYI, in case people don't know. David Elrod now has "Diamond" power cords, a step up from the Statement Gold. I imagine they are amazing.