PS Audio DLIII vs. Wyred4Sound Dac1/2

I know this topic has been beaten to death, but any old owners of the DLIII that have switched to either of the Wyred 4 Sound dacs. What are the main differences you experienced? Also does it auto detect sources like the DLIII?
Ag insider logo xs@2xnicholaslytle
Ditto comments by Magnumpi205.
I have owned PS Audio as well as a modded version by Cullen and also a DAC 1 as well as what I call a w4s "DAC 1.5" which is a a DAC 1 with some upgrades to the USB and better caps.
The w4s DAC is a great DAC.
Thanks for all your comments I am probably going to make the move after the taxes are squared away!
For similar price ($1095 shipped) you cen get a Metrum Octave, which is quite a bit better.