Need help matching DAC to speakers and amp

I have purchased a Bryston B100 integrated amp and B&W PM1 speakers (and JL sub). From what I have read about the Bryston, it is very true to form, not warm and not analytical. I have also listened to the B&W's and they are along the same lines, great detail, not warm. I think as I look to pair them with a DAC, I would like to get something that is on the warm side. Any suggestions?
My music library primarily comes from iTunes these days. Once I get a DAC worked out, and I am leaning towards the internal Bryston DAC since it eliminates a separate chassis and interconnects, I will work on how to get my music from iTunes to the DAC. Someone mentioned getting an older Apple TV box which keeps the library stored internally. Does anyone have any suggestions? My vision is to be able to access the library from an App on the iPhone or iPad and control it that way.

Hey, dumb question, does anyone know how the internal DAC is installed into the amp? Can do it myself?
I have the ATV Gen 1. Think of it as a 160 gb iPod with optical output. It also does YouTube and Internet radio. After owning it and using it for the last 2 years, I'll never go back to CDs again. The reason I went with it over a squeezebox (whichever one it was at the time) is that it has internal memory, thereby eliminating the need for a computer to be running. A NAS works the same way, but it's an extra piece and I'm horrible with setting up network stuff.

The ATV is limited to optical digital output (and analog RCA and HDMI). Some people see that as a downfall, but I don't. It doesn't do high-res, and you may run out of room due to the 160 gb not being a whole hell of a lot. My entire collection in Apple Lossless fits with a little room to spare. I'm guessing I have about 400 or so CDs synched to it. I have more CDs actually, but I didn't synch stuff that I never listen to.

I control mine with my iPhone 3GS. Works great. I actually like that better than the on screen display and my Harmony remote, as it's easier to find stuff.

Not sure how many ATV 1s are floating around nowadays.

I think Bryston may have to install the DAC card. Call them and ask, or even post over at the Bryston Circle at Audio Circle. James Tanner (Bryston VP) moderates the board and is a great guy to deal with.
The DAC I own, I consider to be a bit on the warm site the PS Audio Digital Link III. I think the sound and playback is incredible. I have coupled this with a SONOS setup playing out of my Ayre Integrate Amp (AX-7e). I have a NAS device with my computers that I host my iTunes (Apple Lossless) on, that presents the library to SONOS (control with great App on iPad, iPhone, etc.) I then have a digital coax from SONOS to the PS Audio DL III, from there I have XLR balanced connection to my Ayre. The sound is great and rivals my Ayre C-5xe (but that is my post in this forum). I would describe the sound as warmish, but just as detailed as the CD, and more powerful.